Upper Quarter Basics

Movement System Impairment Syndromes introductory lecture, shoulder and cervical spine lectures are yours for FREE!

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Shoulder Intro

Dr. Shirley Sahrmann teaches you the basic principles of Movement System Impairment Syndromes related to the shoulder.

Scapular Syndromes

Dr. Cheryl Caldwell explains the details of scapular MSI syndromes.

Humeral Syndromes

Dr. Renee Ivens explains the details of humeral MSI syndromes.

Cervical Spine Syndromes

Dr. Mary Kate McDonnell explains the details of cervical spine MSI syndromes. 


You can also learn from Dr. Mary Kate McDonnell about the evaluation / treatment of TMJ!

"Every patient seen was like solving a puzzle and I found that by using MSI, my evaluations were systematic.  I clearly identified the contributing factors to the movement diagnosis.  As a result, patients demonstrated improvement in movement via functional modifications and specific exercises tailored to each patient."

Michael Salazar

Attending the live course (intro or advanced)?

The Upper Quarter Basics course is a recommended pre-course materials for you to study.  Get started, and notice the difference in your clinical reasoning skills!

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