Photos from the October 2024 Movement System Syndromes of Shoulder, Cervical, and Thoracic Spines course!  

Purchase the pre-recorded course!

"The movement system courses including this past weekend, I find valuable in the combination of lecture and patient cases of the various syndromes and potential corrections. This is really the root of what we should be doing as PTs and it's exciting to take part and improve my practice. I'm grateful for the ability to attend virtually because otherwise I would miss out on such great content."

Melissa Belcher

Group Photos!

Lectures and Discussions

This year's lectures from Dr. Renee Ivens, Dr. Maiko Morotani, and Dr. Tracy Spitznagle. The Q&A plus discussions were valuable!

Onsite Labs and Virtual Labs

Live Demonstrations

Whether you're an ONSITE or VIRTUAL participant, we make sure every person gets the front row seats by doing quality camera work!

The crew

This intensive live hybrid course is not possible without the support of so many onsite and virtual instructors and student staff. Thanks to everyone who supported the course!

Let's get connected on social media!

More photos / reels were shared on social media. Please connect with us and follow @learnmovementsystem (Facebook and Instagram) or @learnmvmtsystem (X / Twitter). You can also find cool videos on the Nexus Motion YouTube channel!
