What makes Learn Movement System the best place to "learn about the movement system"? Meet your world-class instructors!
Whether you're joining us in-person in St. Louis, or from anywhere in the world virtually, you will get to learn from these fabulous instructors.
Dr. Sahrmann is professor emerita of physical therapy at Washington University in St. Louis. She received her BS degree in physical therapy, masters and PhD in neurobiology from Washington University, where she was a clinician and faculty member for 56 years. Her research interests were in disordered motor control and classification of musculoskeletal disorders. Dr. Sahrmann with her colleagues at Washington University has been a major promotor of the movement system and the development of movement related diagnostic categories to direct physical therapy treatment which formed the basis of her published books. She has lectured extensively nationally and internationally.
Dr. Bloom is a professor of physical therapy and orthopaedic surgery at Washington University School of Medicine. She received both her master’s degree in occupational therapy and her clinical doctorate in physical therapy from Washington University. She teaches in a wide variety of courses and treats multiple types of musculoskeletal problems. Nancy has taught numerous continuing education courses on the topic of Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement System Impairment Syndromes and has made several national and international presentations.
Dr. Caldwell spent over 30 years as a key faculty member, alongside Dr. Shirley Sahrmann & Associates, to develop the Movement System Impairment concepts and syndromes. Her expertise in the upper quarter is reflected in a published case report related to the shoulder, co-authoring chapters on the Hand, Wrist, and Elbow in the Movement System Impairment Syndromes of the Extremities, Cervical and Thoracic Spines textbook, and serving as a mentor for students, fellows, and experienced clinicians. Recently, she retired from teaching at Washington University in St. Louis and is excited to be continuing to share her wealth of knowledge.
Sheila has been a practicing physical therapist since 1985, first working at a rehabilitation/amputee clinic before transitioning to outpatient care. Before moving to Stevens Point in 1996, she taught physical therapy at the University of Iowa. She has assisted in the lab portion of Movement System Impairment courses for many years.
While working with athletes and teaching at UW-Stevens Point, Sheila started experimenting with video analysis of sport-specific movements.
When Stevens Point Orthopedics acquired the Noraxon Movement Analysis system in 2017, Sheila developed the program, managed the system, and trained in motion-analysis technology and troubleshooting.
Dr. Cornbleet is an Associate Professor of Physical Therapy and Orthopaedic Medicine in the Program in Physical Therapy at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. In 2015, Suzy received both the Missouri Physical Therapy Association “Outstanding Service Award for Education” and the Colorado University Physical Therapy “Alumni Achievement Award”. Her current clinical interests are in pediatric and adolescent hip and low back pain and general outpatient orthopedics. She now serves as a mentor in the clinical practice at the Washington University School of Medicine PT Clinic. She was instrumental in the development of Washington University’s Fellowship in the Diagnosis and Management of Movement Impairment Syndromes and served as a primary mentor.
Dr. Gordon is assistant professor of physical therapy in the Program in Physical Therapy at Washington University in St. Louis. He is a board certified clinical specialist in orthopaedic physical therapy. He sees patients in the Running Clinic. Kris enjoys sports rehabilitation and working with overhead athletes. He is a lab assistant in the DPT curriculum, mentoring learners in the Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of Movement Related Problems (modules 5 & 6).
Carrie Hall has been a colleague of Dr. Sarhmann since her graduation from PT school in 1983. Carrie served on several clinical faculties, including Washington University in St. Louis, Northwestern University, and currently at University of Washington and has taught concepts related to the movement system, both nationally and in Canada. She is co-author of Therapeutic Exercise: Moving TowardFunction, now in its 4th edition. After decades of running a successful clinic, Carrie is now the owner of Sisu Physical Therapy and Mentoring Services, providing mobile concierge physical therapy services and mentoring to clinicians and small business owners. She is currently the Chair for the Nominating Committee for APTA Private Practice. Carrie feels blessed to have had Dr. Sahrmann as her mentor for over 4 decades and wants to spend the remainder of her career paying it forward to the next generation of physical therapists.
Dr. Ivens is an associate professor of physical therapy and orthopedic surgery at Washington University. In addition to her involvement in the didactic entry level DPT curriculum, Renee serves as a mentor in the clinical practice at the School of Medicine. Her clinical interests are movement dysfunctions involving the spine, shoulder girdle and upper extremity peripheral nerve dysfunction. She is happy to share her knowledge and experience gained while working alongside Dr Shirley Sahrmann & Associates for over 25 years.
Dr. Lind is a recent graduate of Washington University in St. Louis Program in Physical Therapy. Prior to graduate school he completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Oklahoma. Since graduating Robert has helped to establish and maintain the golf clinic while working as a full-time clinical associate in the outpatient orthopedic department of Washington University in St. Louis. More recently, he is working at Method Athletics in Illinois.
Dr. McDonnell is retired from the position of Associate Professor of Physical Therapy and Orthopedic Surgery. She is a board certified orthopedic specialist since 1996 and a Fellow of the Education Leadership Institute. Most of her career she had been actively involved with colleagues at Washington University in developing diagnoses and treatment strategies related to Movement System Impairment Syndromes with a focus on the upper quarter. Her clinical and research focus have been on patients with upper quarter impairments.
Dr. Morotani is the president of Nexus Motion and staff physical therapist at Pete Health. She treats patients with musculoskeletal pain conditions. Maiko is one of the translators for the Japanese version of Movement System Impairment Syndromes of the Extremities, Cervical and Thoracic Spine textbook. She teaches MSI concept to the Japanese community on a monthly basis and served as a regional mentor for Washington University's movement system clinical fellowship.
Dr. Roth Powers owns a private-practice in the Washington DC metro area. She provides a pathway for patients to return to their maximum possible physical performance. Her clinical practice is based on extensive study and implementation of the Movement System Syndromes. Years of training, study, and professional implementation of the kinesiopathologic concepts have given her an unusually skilled eye for identifying how and why human body mechanics go wrong and how to effectively restore ideal movement. She is a competitive amateur athlete with extensive background in cycling, weight training and running.
Dr. Schwab has a bachelor's degree in exercise science from Truman State University, and received his DPT from Washington University in St. Louis. He is a clinic associate at the Washington University Physical Therapy O'Fallon clinic. He is passionate about musculoskeletal rehabilitation, pre- and post-surgical rehabilitation, sports rehabilitation, and return to sports.
Dr. Spitznagle is a professor in physical therapy and OB-GYN at Washington University in St Louis. Her educational mission is to provide physical therapists around the world with the knowledge needed to help others move better. Her expertise spans the thoracic spine to the pelvic girdle. Tracy firmly believes that all people benefit when we understand how pregnancy affects the movement system.